In an upcoming weekend drama scheduled to air in early March, Kim Soo Hyun will portray the character of Baek Hyun Woo, a son-in-law who is looked down upon by his mother-in-law. He plays the husband of Hong Hae In, portrayed by Kim Ji Won. Hong Hae In is depicted as a third-generation chaebol heiress of the 'Queen Group', dubbed the 'queen' of department stores.
Meanwhile, Baek Hyun Woo is depicted as the head lawyer at his wife's company. He hails from a respected and intelligent family, with a father who is a leader in Yongduri and known as the 'supermarket Prince'. He also has a prestigious legal education background. Thanks to good parenting and above-average economics, Baek Hyun Woo was able to marry Hong Hae In.
The tvN-produced Korean drama, in collaboration with Studio Dragon, tells the story of a married couple facing a 'major problem' in their three-year marriage.
Despite appearing perfect with his handsome looks and intelligence, and being blessed with a beautiful wife, Kim Soo Hyun's character holds a secret that he cannot share with anyone, as quoted from the Sports Khan website on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
Apparently, he suffers from unpleasant treatment from his mother-in-law. When faced with conflicts between work and family, his life changes in an instant when a crisis storm hits him.
This is where Baek Hyun Woo's fate is at stake. Can he get through these difficult times and continue to live a happy married life? The synopsis of "Queen of Tears" surely leaves Korean drama enthusiasts eager for its release.